Thursday, December 16, 2010

CV Curriculum vitae

Name: Uuriintsolmon Eredenepurev
Ulaanbaatar 233333
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-99864833
Date of birth: 13 April 1990
Nationality: Mongolia
Citizenship: Ulaanbaatar
Gender: male
Marital status: single
Education: 2st High School, graduated in 2008, Ulaanbaatar,mongolia
University: school of Information and Telecommunication
Other skills:
I am literate and can use all different types of Microsoft Office programs.(such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe, Corel, Photoshop, etc)
Translation /translate about new technologies to mongolia/


1. Definite what kind of text I’m going to read. It’s possible to know about that from contents or beginning of the text.
2. Think how much I will know about this article/text and what I will get information from it.
3. Read directly from the beginning to the end. But, it is involved what about I will read and how long it is to read.
4. If I find the new words while reading, I try to definite them that are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
5. Then I try to understand a basic meaning using around words.
6. If I can’t understand it, I use dictionary “English to English”. Sometimes it’s difficult when this word means about abstract, not real. For example:
Table (real)-a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs;
Define (abstract)- to describe something correctly and thoroughly, and to say what standards, limits, qualities etc…
7. If I don’t find word from below dictionary, I will look for word from a dictionary “English to Mongolia”. About what dictionaries I use… I always use the dictionaries “Advanced American Dictionary” of Longman, “English-Mongolian” of Boldbaatar and sometimes I use from electronic dictionaries. It can save my time and easy to use.
8. I ask from myself about it while reading and when finished to read. It helps me to pick up what I read.
9. During reading I try to understand the text. Especially, it helps to pass an exam successfully and it is an easy way to repeat it.
10. Each chapter, I try to make inferences. Due to make inferences, I find out the new things.
11. While reading, I try to make connections between every chapter. It is very important to get the ordinary knowledge.
12. During reading, I try to good notes to use the methods of making scheme and diagram. At last, it is very easy to understand.
13. From a paragraph and a chapter, I try to find the main idea. Other ideas are connected with the main idea.
14. I visualize what I am reading. It helps me to bring my mind back easily, moreover when read literature.
15. Finally, I recall what I already know about topic.

Cover letter

Name: Uuriintsolmon Erdenepurev
Ulaanbaatar 210646
Telephone: 976-11333333
Cellphone: 976-99864833
Please accept my review my resume for this position.
I believe my training and studing 4 years of telecommunication engineer. During these years I have known about your company. And I came here numerous when I was student.

I bring to the company a strong communication and supervisory skills in addition to extensive computer knowledge and "real word" experience. I know enough about the employer or position.

When you have giving lot of assignment, I can done it on time. If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. I’m an excellent choice
I'll be calling your office within 1 month to inquire on the status of my application. I will be looking forward to your call.
I can be reached on my cell at 976-99864833


Reference letter

 Uuriintsolmon Erdenepurev
School of telecommunication and information technology MUST
Apt 24-1 , 7th khoroo, khan-uul district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

To: mobicom corporation

I have had the pleasure of knowing Uuriintsolmon Erdenepurev For 4 years.. During the years I have seen a many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Uuriintsolmon is an applying to the student exchange program at your company. I would like to recommend her for admission.

As Uuriintsolmon’s teacher, when I have giving her lot of assignment, she always done it on time. She skilled In communication software and hardware. She also has experience in switching system as engineer.

If you are looking for experienced candidate with ability to rise. Uuriintsolmon is an good choice. She is a creative, capable and personable, helpful young woman. She is responsible, skilled in teamwork and such a quick learner.
I feel confident in saying that is capable of handing any with thoughtfulness and maturity. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at 99999999 and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.

Sincerely ,
Bayarmaa Gurtseden

translation method

1.Текстээ бүхэлд нь гүйлгэж уншина. Scimming the whole text.

2.Текстээс мэдэхгүй үгийг тэмдэглэнэ. Entry the unknown words from text.

3.Мэдэхгүй үгээ тольдоно. Glance at word from dictionary.

4.Тольдсон үгнээс оновчтойг нь сонгоно. Choose the proper words from translated words.
5.Текстийн утгыг ойлгохыг оролдоно. Try to understand the text and what it is about generally.

6.Өгүүлбэр өгүүлбэрээр утга санааг гаргана. Try to lay out the sentence by sentence.

7.Гол ба туслах өгүүлбэрүүдээ олно. Find gist or supplementary and subsidairy sentences.

8. Өгүүлбэрийнхээ холбоос үг, угтвар үгээ олно. Find prefix and conjunction words in detail.

9.Дараа нь тэр өгүүлбэрийн үндсэн утгыг гарахыг зорино. Then obtaining gist of that sentence.

10.Орчуулгаа ноороглож бичнэ. Write down a draft translation.

11.Өгүүлбэрийн найруулгыг дахин хянана. Examine the wording that draft translation.

12.Орчуулгыг цэгцэлж оновчтой болгоно.. Rearrange the draft text and to create the optimum translation.

13.Орчуулгыг эцэслэн эх хувилбарыг гаргана. Finally, I produce an initial version.

14.Дараагийн өгүүлбэрт орчуулсан үгээ хэрэглэнэ. Re use the translated words onto next sentences.


POSITION APPLIED FOR: Unitel corporation
FIRST NAME : Uuriintsolmon
SURNAME : Erdenepurev
Gender : male

1.General information

Date of birth- 1990/04/13

Place of birth- Khovd aimag

Registration No- ПЮ90041375

Social insurance- 11111111

ID card No- УБ77777777777

Medical insurance- B17563

2. Previous Employment (start with the most recent)

Period of Employment-
Reason for leaving-
Position Held-
Name of Organization and contact number- 

3. Education and Training Courses

Date of Completion- 2012-5-30

Specialization- telecommunication

Institution- School of Information and telecommunication

Diploma and Certificate No- 555555

4. Contact details

Home address-7th khoroo, Khan-uul district, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia

Home tel. No-976-11-453333

Mobile phones No-99864833

Post office address-5555


5. Languages

Language Skill

Key = 1-Unacceptable 2-Below average 3-Average 4-Above average 5-Excellent

6. Other
Computer Skills
C++, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, Movie Maker, Adobe
play basketball,to fish
Sports Basketball, volleyball,tennis

7. Emergency :
Contact details of two persons in case of emergency:
1. Name :Erdenepurev

Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel :99999999
Relationship :father
2. Name ; Davaa
Address :Bayanzurh distrist
Tel : 88888888
Relationship : mother
By signing this form I declare that all the information I have provided herein is true and correct in ever aspect, knowing that if any matter is found to be not true that it will jeopardize my chances of obtaining employment with

Applicant’s Signature…………………………………………../ Uuriintsolmon .E/
Date 2010/12/16


1.My long-range goal is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. So I must hardworking. Thus my second objective is perfect life. For example great family, nice work and wonderful home.
2 My short-range goal is do my task on time. Because I should raise my score. It is very important issue. May be my life will depend on it. So I must endeavor for now.
3 I hope I can make a contribution to your organization. Because I studied of telecommunication career for 4 years. And in this way I have many skills. So I believe necessary.
4 I like participation in activities which outside from class. This has been become more and more abilities for me. And I skilled in teamwork and able to rise easily.
5 I like fair everything. So I want to determine for justices. Head person must say openly to all success. I usually define my success for estimation of other people.
6 I think every people must put high goals. Because people live as yourself opinion. So my organization is become best telecommunication engineer of Mongolia. And I try to reach it.
7 My work is a very interesting and when I was student I don’t know it. After I study this school I understand it
8 Firstly I don’t know about this career. My sister decide to enter this school me. So I become must study by this direction. After it become interesting.
9 In my work important issue is become a very hardworking. I can it.
10 My career is telecommunication engineer. Almost we fix the broken cable. But women often do operator. In my opinion I want be header engineer. So I need I can any thing.
11 it is most important issue. I demand to interactive with all user. Because I should know for request of subscribers.
12 Yes. I always try to view everything on practice. So I went to ATS many times. The engineer’s are very friendly and kind people. Whenever they ready for help us. I saw optic fiber, mufti, and equipment at here.